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our commitment to responsible lending

canopy cu staff shaking hands and smiling with a canopy cu member

Our Commitment to Responsible Lending

We love providing you with loan products to fit your needs. Our goal is to make the loan process easy and to get you an answer quickly from financial advocates who are passionate about treating you like family. That's our mission - to be your financial partner through all the stages of your life. 

We also want to grow responsibly and that means doing what's right. Sometimes that means we can't approve a loan for that tricked out Toyota Tundra with all the bells and whistles. That's ok with us. We won't always be able to say yes. However, we commit to sitting down with you and discussing what we can do together to turn your financial goals into reality ... if not today, tomorrow. The conversation doesn't stop with a one-word response - yes or no. We hope that sounds refreshing. In a world full of banking options, we want to stand out. We do things differently here. If you haven't given us a look, we invite you to stop by, pour a cup of Thomas Hammer coffee and start the conversation. We're ready to WOW you!

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